Childcare, Parenting, Pregnancy
Childcare Resources
- Workforce Solutions Financial Aid for Child Care (NCI): Largest funding source for childcare
- Perkins Grant Support
- YMCA Children's Academy @ HCC Eastside Campus & Fraga Campuses
- Head Start (6 months to 6 years old) How to enroll your child into Houston Head Start Guide
- Collaborative For Children (Find Childcare & Funding)
- Child Care & Development Fund
- Rental, Utilities, Childcare & Transportation Expenses (Raise Up Families)
- Call United Way's 211 or Search Online for Additional Resources
When searching United Way, use keywords like "childcare", "child" - Office of Child Care (US Department of Health & Human Resources)
Parenting Support
- upWORDS:Baby and upWORDS:Toddler (Texas Children's Hospital)
- Houston DiaperBank: 6201 Bonhomme Rd Suite 250N, Houston, TX 77036
- HCC Nursing Parents Express/Medical Privacy Rooms
- The Healthy Texas Women program offers free women's health and family planning services to eligible, low-income women. These services help women plan their families, whether they want to achieve, postpone or prevent pregnancy. They can also have a positive effect on future pregnancy planning and general health.
- Coaching: Academic, Career, Success, Health and Wellness
- Education: Family Scholar House Academy, Technology Assistance, Financial Education, Apprenticeship Programs
- Support: Advocacy Support, Affordable Housing
- Urban Strategies: Early Head Start Houston. Receive FREE comprehensive child development services & family support services (child development services inclusive of children with disabilities, health & nutrition services, family services, etc). Templo Poder y Gozo, 4401 Theiss Rd, Humble, TX 77338 (832.413.1494) or Ecclessia Lindale Campus, 6615 Irvington Blvd, Houston, TX 77022 (832.413.1494).
- Other Healthcare Resources
Pregnancy Support
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and parental status, in educational programs and activities.
We care about your success! Students are not required to inform faculty, staff, or other employees of their pregnancy or related conditions. However, to receive approval of an accommodation/modification, the student will need to inform an HCC official with authority to evaluate and approve the request. To ensure timely processing of requests, students are encouraged to seek assistance as soon as they realize that they will need an accommodation.
HCC provides reasonable accommodations to students who are pregnant or have pregnancy related conditions. Accommodations can assist the student with on-going support and/or need-based support. Examples of accommodations can include, but is not limited to, a larger desk, option to make up a missed exam, restroom breaks, and other reasonable accommodations because of your pregnancy. Accommodations can be approved for pre-natal doctor appointments, childbirth, false pregnancy, miscarriage, any other pregnancy-related health issues and/or recovery from any of these conditions.