Supplemental Instruction


About Supplemental Instruction 

Supplemental Instruction is an academic enrichment and support program that uses peer-assisted study sessions to improve student retention and success in historically difficult courses.  Peer Support is provided by students who have already succeeded in completion of the specified course, and who earned a grade of A or B. SI is a non-remedial approach that provides regular review sessions outside of the classroom.  Supplemental Instruction does not necessarily target high-risk students, but is there to help students succeed in courses that many students find difficult.



Supplemental Instruction Leaders 

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders are students who have previously earned an A or B in targeted courses and have been recommended by a faculty member. SI Leaders attend class lectures and work very closely with their assigned professors in order to properly prepare for their SI sessions. They receive ongoing training and supervision from the SI Director and team to ensure that they are effective facilitators.



SI Sessions 

An SI Session is an out-of-class study session facilitated by the SI Leader. In this setting, students and the SI Leader work collaboratively through discussions, reading and other assignments, taking and sharing of notes, developing organizational and study skills, preparing for and predicting exam items, and sharing ideas for improving their learning experience and success in the course. 

Supplemental Instruction Services Can Help You Succeed

Benefits of Attending an SI Session

  • Improve understanding of important concepts
  • Compare notes
  • Get to know classmates
  • Develop study and learning strategies
  • Test yourself before the professor does


Courses with SI Sessions

  • Arts 
  • Biology 
  • Chemistry  
  • English  
  • Business 
  • Mathematics  
  • Physics  
  • Sign Language  


Student Testimonials

  1. “I could not pass without help from The Instructional Services Leader.  The Instructional Services Leader has helped me understand the assignments.” 
  2. “I am earning a better grade because of Instructional Services sessions. I was getting a D, now I’m getting a B.” 
  3. “I am so much more confident as I transfer to the University. I used to be more afraid that I couldn’t learn the material, but helping others collaboratively has helped me to grow in my own learning ability.” 
  4. “I wish there were SI Leaders in my other courses.” 
  5. “SI was helpful to all of us who attended. . . . I really thank my SI Leader for all the time she spent with us.  SI helped us to understand and learn better.” 
  6. “The SI sessions were very helpful.  I am applying to be an SI Leader in the spring.” 
  7.  “I could not pass without help from my SI Leader. She has helped me understand the assignments.”


Faculty Feedback

  1. "I wanted to write you a note expressing my overwhelming support for the SI Program at HCC. I have used SI leaders in my classes for the past several semesters and I am so impressed with how this extra layer of support has resulted in increased student learning and performance. This has been true for traditionally difficult subjects, including General Biology for Majors and Anatomy & Physiology, but also for my online Introductory Biology classes. Students regularly volunteer to let me know how much this has been a game changer for them and how the extra practice really helps them grasp the difficult concepts. Many of my students who have been regular attendees at SI sessions have gone on to be SI leaders themselves and it is so wonderful to see these students evolve as confident, caring and innovative leaders thoroughly prepared to embark on their own journey beyond HCC."
  2. "Sincere thanks for all you do to make this Program possible." 
  3. "I cannot imagine teaching another class without the support of an SI Leader." 
  4. "My assigned Instructional Services Leader has been fantastic for me, and always sends me materials she plans to use in her sessions in advance to make sure we are on the same page." 


Supplemental Instruction Management Team

Program Coordinator, Supplemental Instruction
Siomara Albert, MHA 

Program Specialist, Supplemental Instruction
Mario Carreon  
Phone: 713-718-2156

Administrative Assistant, Supplemental Instruction
Melanie Mendoza
Phone:  713-718-6180


Interested in becoming an Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader? APPLY Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Supplemental Instruction

Siomara Albert, Program Coordinator