Health Insurance

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Health Insurance

Health Insurance Requirements and Waiver

All international students holding an "F-1" visa and enrolled at Houston Community College will be automatically enrolled in and billed each semester for health insurance coverage under the Student Health Insurance Plan unless a waiver of coverage has been submitted and approved online by the waiver deadline date each semester.

For detailed information about your insurance plan, how to Create an AHP Account or to find your Member/Cardholder ID, visit the HCC International Student Insurance Home Page.

To get your Digital ID Card, visit or follow the Aetna ID Card Instructions. New students cannot obtain their Aetna cards prior to the start of the semester and prior to enrollment. Allow 5 business days for the transfer of data from HCC to Aetna.

Health Insurance Customer Service 

  • Academic HealthPlans

AHP office hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM CST

Customer Service Number: 1-855-844-3018
* AHP has a translator service. If you need help in other languages, just ask.



Health Insurance Waiver: A waiver of coverage under the Plan may be requested online at with proof of acceptable alternate health insurance as follows:

I. Acceptable Alternate Health Insurance Plans:

  1. A government or scholarship-sponsored plan that meets Houston Community College’s waiver criteria below; or
  2. A job-based U.S. employer health insurance plan (or covered as a dependent under a job-based U. S. employer health insurance plan) that meets Houston Community College’s waiver criteria below.

Note: Individual policies and travel plans (for example: Plans offered online to individuals) are not considered acceptable alternate insurance and will not be accepted.

II. Waiver Criteria: Alternate health insurance plans must offer coverage that meets or exceeds the following criteria:

  1. Coverage dates must include the entire coverage period you are waiving;
  2. Medical benefits of at least $100,000 in US dollars for each accident or sickness;
  3. The policy must have an annual deductible of no more than U.S. $500 (A Health Care Spending account is not acceptable as an alternative);
  4. Covered benefits paid at a minimum of 75%;
  5. Repatriation of Mortal Remains of at least $25,000 in US dollars and Medical Evacuation of at least $50,000 in US dollars. (A nominal charge will be added to your student account for Repatriation and Medical Evacuation benefits if they are not included in an otherwise acceptable policy); and
  6. The policy should not exclude or unreasonably limit coverage for activities essential for students (such as a $10,000 limit on motor vehicle accidents; a 13 week benefit period).


III. Waiver Deadlines 

  • For Fall: September 14, 2024
  • For Spring/Summer: February 15, 2025
  • For Summer Only (new students): June 6, 2025


IV. Waiver Process

  1. Enroll in classes for the upcoming semester. Allow 5 business days your ID to be transferred to the AHP waiver team.
  2. Have an electronic copy of your current insurance card and an electronic copy of your current insurance policy.
  3. To begin the waiver process go to
  4. Select the ‘Click Here To Submit the Student Waiver Request' link at the bottom of the page.
  5. Log in to the system by using the following:
    • Login – Please use your HCCS 10-digit Student ID (Ex: W123456789)  
    • Password – Date of Birth in MMDDYYYY format (Ex: 01011990), unless previously changed.

  1. On the home page, click on the red button "WAIVE." 
  2. Enter your insurance information and attach your required documentation.
  3. Select the ‘Submit Waiver’ button at the bottom of the waiver form.
  4. When your submission has been reviewed for compliance with the HCCS guidelines, you will receive an email advising of receipt of the request for waiver with subsequent messages advising of ApprovalDenial, or requesting additional information.
  5. When you receive the waiver approval email, you should forward it to and copy with the subject “Waiver approved.” Make sure to include your student ID and the semester. 


V. Waiver Appeal Deadlines:

  • For Fall: October 12, 2024
  • For Spring/Summer: March 11, 2025
  • For Summer Only (new students): June 25, 2025


VI. Waiver Appeal Process

If your waiver was denied based on the denied criteria, you may appeal the denial. Please see the document below for more instructions.

 Please send an email with your waiver appeal form and a copy of your denial letter and supporting documents to 

VII. Reimbursement Process

If you are approved for a waiver or if you don't meet the eligibility requirements for coverage, your account will be reimbursed according to HCC refund policy.

Disclaimer: Acceptance of your waiver does not constitute a guarantee that your alternate health insurance plan will adequately cover any medical situation that may arise or that it is a “good” plan. An acceptance only recognizes that an Insurance Waiver Application stating that you have alternate coverage which meets the Houston Community College’s waiver criteria was received from you. Further, you agree to be responsible for advising the Houston Community College Risk Management Department or Academic HealthPlans ( in writing of any lapses or cancellations of your current policy during the semester for which you enrolled.