International Students

International Students

Apply now to be a part of one of the largest international student populations in the United States.

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We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant, diverse community at Houston Community College.

 As an F-1 student, it is important to note the following: Spring and Fall semesters - F-1 students must enroll in 12 credit hours, of which only ONE (1) class can be 100% online. The remaining classes must be in-person or hybrid classes. If Summer is the first semester of attendance, F-1 students should enroll in 9 credit hours, of which only ONE (1) class can be 100% online, and the rest must be in-person or hybrid classes.

Hours of Operations  

  • Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central Time Zone (U.S. & Canada)


Connect with your Designated School Official 

Use ISP Zoom Lobby to connect with the Designated school officials (DSOs) who issue your I-20, monitor your F-1 status, and maintain F-1 records in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, known as SEVIS. 

  • Meet your DSO in the ISP Virtual Lobby: Click here to access support through Zoom Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. In our commitment to ensure every student receives timely service before closure, our team will close Zoom at 4 p.m. This will allow the team to appropriately manage resources to support students' inquiries during operational hours. All students who sign in by 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday will be serviced based on their queue position.
  • ISP Zoom is open for general questions on Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Send your DSO a message: 

Connect with HCC Enrollment Services & Academic Advisor 

Please note that the DSOs/International Student Advisors in the International Office are not able to assist with testing authorization or class enrollment. For assistance with testing authorization, test scores, transcripts, class enrollment, changing your major, or completing verification forms, connect with the HCC Enrollment & Advising Services teams. You can access these services either at your local HCC campus or through the HCC Virtual Enrollment & Advising Services.

International Student Events 

Summer 2025 International OrientationRegister here for the session.

F-1 International Student Resources

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Contact Us

Office of International Student Services

ISP Zoom: