VMock - Enrolled Students

Experience Career Success, Enhanced by AI

HCC logo and VMock logo and laptop computer image

Houston Community College invites you to leverage VMock SMART Career Platform

Kickstart your

SMART Career Journey with VMock.

SMART Resume

Get instant feedback on resume based on 100+ critical parameters.

SMART Editor

Upload and edit your existing resume or create a new resume using college templates.

Resume Optimizer

Tailor your resume against a particular job description using job-specific keywords.


VMock’s SMART, AI-powered tools give your resume a makeover and fix issues like weak verbs, improper formatting, incorrect grammar, filler words, and more with the click of a button, featuring the following artificial intelligence-powered module:

  • Smart Resume Editor (resume review and revision)

How do I use VMock?

  1. Head to VMock! Get started at www.vmock.com/hccs.
  2. Log into Your VMock Account: Click the red “Continue with University ID” button and use your HCC Log-In Credentials.
  3. Tell VMock About Yourself: Answer a few quick questions to complete your profile and personalize your VMock experience.
  4. Upload Your Resume (PDF only): VMock will analyze it for you.
  5. Dive into Your Feedback: Click "View Detailed Feedback" to see your score breakdown and explore specific areas for improvement. Hover over highlighted sections for even more details.
  6. Smart Edits (Optional): Use the SMART Resume Editor (not recommended for unique templates) to automatically format and suggest edits to your resume.


VMock Login Portal

Connect With Us

Career Center Hours

Students and alumni are encouraged to utilize their CareerHub accounts to schedule appointments with Career & Transfer Services staff members. Appointments can be scheduled to meet with staff over-the-phone, via video online, or in the Career Center. We are flexible!

In addition, students can walk into any Career Center during the days and times below to meet with our team members.

  • Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Connect with us on Social Media

3100 Main Street, Houston , TX 77002