United Student Council
Welcome to USC!
The United Student Council is a district-wide student government organization that represents the greater Houston Community College District. It was founded by members of various HCC campus student government associations and is comprised of six executive board members and the voting members are the SGA officers of the respective campuses. This organization is advised by all Student Life Coordinators and report directly to the Executive leadership of the college. Unlike Student Government Associations that are campus-specific, the USC has advisory jurisdiction on matters of concern regarding all HCC locations.
While the SGA Officers at each college are responsible for voting matters during General Assemblies, all students are encouraged to attend the USC meetings to voice questions and concerns. The USC holds a general assembly every first Friday of the month at 10 am to give reports on the work of the USC to present ongoing issues and concerns of the student body to the administration. If you are a student who is interested in the work of the United Student Council, you are encouraged to join one of our active committees.
USC is a fantastic opportunity for aspiring student leaders to get involved in extra-curricular activities and expand their horizons. Proclaimed as the voice of the students, the United Student Council strives to uphold the HCC experience.
Executive Board
President: Christine Mompoint of Northwest College
Vice President: Elizabeth Singleton of Central College
Secretary: Ati Awah of Southwest College
Treasurer: Duy Pham of Nortthwest College
Historian: Vacant
Parliamentarian: Elijah Rocha of Southeast College
Letter from the Executive Board
USC 20-21 Goals and Initiatives
- Research all options of advocacy and governmental affairs to increase and elevate the voice of the HCC Student Body.
- The Executive Board of the United Student Council would like to explore the potential collaboration with an existing non-partisan organization that seeks to magnify student concerns in the political process. This initiative will guide the objectives of the committee and create meaningful projects that will hold weight in the community.
- Explore the appropriation of resources to increase the ease of the online learning transition.
- The Executive Board of the United Student Council would like to work alongside the division of instructional services and the Faculty Senate on an update of the syllabi with adequate academic and non-academic accommodations for the upcoming academic year. This initiative will serve as a blueprint for academic success with the concerns of all student demographics considered.
- The Executive Board of the United Student Council would like to audit the HCC website for potential changes in the navigation of resources for a student-friendly experience. This initiative will allow for effortless searches of relevant resources that would otherwise be masked by the tiers of supplementary information.
- Research all options of grievance and appeal to increase and elevate the voice of the HCC student Body.
- The Executive Board of the United Student Council would like to work with IT Department and Administration to ensure that each student has a desktop or laptop to work on class assignment
HCC Center for Civic Engagement
As a secondary institution, Houston Community College recognizes and complies with the 1998 Higher Education Act that requires institutions to make a good-faith effort to distribute voter registration forms to students who attend classes on campus. The mandate states that institutions must request an adequate number of forms from the state 120 days prior to the state’s voter registration deadline.
The Higher Education act was amended in 2008 that allowed institutions to distribute electronic information about voter registration.
HCC Student Government Associations understand the importance of students becoming civically engaged in the community and works closely with Student Life and HCC to inform students about opportunities to become engaged, informed and knowledgeable citizens. To learn more about civic engagement opportunities and voter registration please visit the HCC Center for Civic Engagement.
HCC Center for Civic Engagement