Past Feature Stories
IDEAS STEM Challenge Offers Stipends for Students & Faculty to Take on Plastic Waste
Jan 6, 2020
The HCC Engineering Center of Excellence, West Houston Institute, Center for Digital and Information Technology, Department of Life & Natural Sciences, and Mathematics Department are pleased to begin accepting applications for Student and Faculty Stipends in support of the National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) - Harris County Community College Alliance (HCCCA) Grant.
Student Information
The National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)-Harris County Community College Alliance (HCCCA) Grant provides current HCC students, preparing to transfer into a four-year STEM program, the opportunity to earn a stipend of up to $2500 during the Spring 2020 semester and to become eligible for an additional $4300 stipend for summer research programs.
Students may earn $1,250 by participating in an innovative experiential learning curriculum entitled the IDEAS Experience. Developed by the West Houston Institute, “IDEAS” stands for Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship in the Arts and Sciences. Students will participate in a semester-long experiential learning project. They will work as part of a team of students from all STEM areas of study to use current research and technology innovations. Your team will develop a unique solution to address the world's growing addiction to the use of plastic. This experience will provide students with valuable mindsets and skillsets that translate into any STEM field and will help them succeed in today’s rapidly changing economy and society. This activity will require a commitment of approximately 60 hours, 5 hours a week for 12 weeks, 2 – 3 hours each Friday for project group activities with the remainder for required study and homework.
Learn more and apply online here: https://www.hccs.edu/campaigns/lsamp-hccca-grant/
Faculty Information
Faculty from the areas described above are encouraged to submit an application for a $2500 stipend which will include a commitment of approximately 60hours over the Spring semester. Faculty will serve as mentor, coach, advisor, and leader for an innovative experiential learning curriculum entitled the IDEAS Experience.
Developed by the West Houston Institute, “IDEAS” stands for Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship in the Arts and Sciences. Refer to the attached documents for additional information about the IDEAS concept. We anticipate selecting faculty members to serve in teams of two to work with groups of approximately 15 students.
Your students will work as part of a team of students from all STEM areas of study to use current research and technology innovations. They will develop a unique solution to address the world's growing addiction to the use of plastic. This experience will provide you and your students with valuable mindsets and skillsets that translate into any STEM field and will help them succeed in today’s rapidly changing economy and society.
The selection committee will make the final decision on the selection of stipend recipients. Successful applicants will be required to sign an agreement outlining their commitment and specific expectations, and indicating the collaboration of their supervisor. HCC stipend policies and procedures will determine how stipends are paid.
Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. Please clink on the link below to complete an application. Applications will be accepted through January 25, 2020.