Integrated Reading and Writing Department

Integrated Reading and Writing

About Integrated Reading and Writing (INRW)

The Houston Community College Integrated and Reading Program is designed to develop and prepare student’s critical college-level reading and writing intensive courses. Stand-alone courses are INRW 0410 and INRW 0420. Corequisite courses include INRW 0300, INRW 0301, INRW 0302, and INRW 0303. Students who place into developmental coursework may be required to enroll in the corequisites pairings. Students will learn to write effective, logical essays, utilizing textual support to develop reading comprehension strategies and to analyze, synthesize and make value judgments using critical thinking.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Houston Community College Integrated Reading and Writing Department is to prepare students for college-level reading and writing intensive courses by developing and integrating essential reading and writing skills necessary to become independent learners.


The Integrated Reading and Writing Program at Houston Community College provides opportunities for students to refresh and advance their reading and writing skills in order to maximize their ability to perform in college-level courses. The program offers courses for students who demonstrate a need to develop the critical reading and writing skills that will be required throughout their college careers and beyond by the Texas Success Initiative Assessment. These courses focus on key reading and writing skills with an emphasis on reading comprehension, composition, and critical reading and analysis of a variety of texts.

Featured Courses and Course Descriptions

  • INRW 0100 – Companion Course for INRW 0410
    16 Contact Hours:  Combined 1 Hour Lab

  •  INRW 0300 – Integrated Reading and Writing for English 1301
    48 Contact Hours:  Lecture

  •  INRW 0301 - Integrated Reading and Writing for History 1301
    48 Contact Hours:  Lecture

  •  INRW 0302 - Integrated Reading and Writing for Humanities 1301
    48 Contact Hours:  Lecture

  •  INRW 0303 - Integrated Reading and Writing for Sociology 1301
    48 Contact Hours:  Lecture

  • INRW 0410 - Integrated Reading and Writing I
    64 Contact Hours:  Combined 3 Hours Lecture/1 Hour Lab

  •  INRW 0420 - Integrated Reading and Writing II
    64 Contact Hours:  Combined 3 Hours Lecture/1 Hour Lab

Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLO)

INRW 0100, INRW 0410, and INRW 0420

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Locate explicit textual information, draw complex inferences, and describe, analyze, and evaluate the information within and across multiple texts of varying lengths.
  • Comprehend and use vocabulary effectively in oral communication, reading, and writing.
  • Identify and analyze the audience, purpose, and message across a variety of texts.
  • Describe and apply insights gained from reading and writing a variety of texts.
  • Compose a variety of texts that demonstrate reading comprehension, clear focus, logical development of ideas, and use of appropriate language that advance the writer’s purpose.
  • Determine and use effective approaches and rhetorical strategies for given reading and writing situations.
  • Generate ideas and gather information relevant to the topic and purpose, incorporating the ideas and words of other writers in student writing using established strategies.
  • Evaluate relevance and quality of ideas and information in recognizing, formulating, and developing a claim.
  • Develop and use effective reading and revision strategies to strengthen the writer’s ability to compose college-level writing assignments.
  • Recognize and apply the conventions of Standard English in reading and writing.


INRW 0300 – Integrated Reading and Writing for English 1301

Upon successful completion of INRW 0300, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
  • Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution.
  • Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose.
  • Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts
  • Use Edited American English in academic essays.


INRW 0301 – Integrated Reading and Writing for History 1301

Upon successful completion of INRW 0301, the student will be able to:

  • Discuss the Age of Exploration
  • Explain Colonization
  • Identify the causes and effects of the American Revolution
  • Explain the origins and impact of slavery
  • Analyze the formation of the Republic
  • Summarize the effects of Expansion and Innovation
  • Explain Nationalism and Sectionalism
  • Discuss the Civil War
  • Evaluate the effects of Reconstruction


INRW 0302 – Integrated Reading and Writing for Humanities 1301

Upon successful completion of INRW 0302, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
  • Articulate how these works express the values of the individual and society within an historical and social context.
  • Articulate an informed personal response and critically analyze works in the arts and humanities.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the influence of literature, philosophy, and the arts on cultural experiences.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the creative process and why humans create.


INRW 0303 – Integrated Reading and Writing for Sociology 1301

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast the basic theoretical perspectives of sociology.
  • Identify the various methodological approaches to the collection and analysis of data in sociology.
  • Describe key concepts in sociology.
  • Describe the empirical findings of various subfields of sociology.
  • Explain the complex links between individual experiences and broader institutional forces.
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Contact Us

Integrated Reading and Writing Department

Dr. Patricia Davis - Faculty Division Chair

Peggy Porter – Program Coordinator

Brittany Thomas - Administrative Assistant


Northwest College - Spring Branch Campus
1010 West Sam Houston Pkwy North
Room 900D MC: 1379
Houston TX  77043 

For more information, call 713.718.5410