Truck Driving

Truck Driving

With a nationwide demand to fill an increasing need, commercial truck driving opportunities have never been better! You could be embarking on a new career by enrolling in the next class. A new course begins every two weeks. Graduates will be eligible for employment interviews with local and national companies. Entry-level wages average $40,000 annually.

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Additional Information


Trucks deliver 70 percent of all freight tonnage and 80 percent of U.S. communities receive their goods exclusively by truck. There are currently 3.5 million commercial drivers, averaging $50,000 annually. Over the next ten years the American Trucking Association (ATA) projects a need for 96,178 new drivers per year. These opportunities exist because of industry growth (36%), retirement (37%), drivers not meeting current guidelines (16%) and changing careers (11%). This offers an excellent opportunity for a new career.


What are the prerequisites?

Applicant must meet all requirements of the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Houston Community College including:
  • Be at least 18-years-old for intrastate; 21-years-old interstate
  • Pass a DOT physical
  • Pass DOT drug test
  • Have a good driving record
  • Have a valid Class C Driver’s License


Continuous Enrollment

  • Six-week day program, 286 hours PTDI Certified
  • Twelve-week program, 286 hours
  • Academic and practical application
  • Industry appropriate equipment used for training
  • Six-week day classes begin every two weeks
  • Evening and weekend classes begin every 12 weeks
  • Opportunity to meet industry recruiters
  • Upon successful completion, a Class A, Texas Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) will be obtained.



Reasons for becoming a Professional Truck Driver

  • A growing industry has created the need for thousands of new entry-level drivers
  • $35,000 average entry-level yearly wage
  • Job advancement as a dispatcher, recruiter or manager, manager, or owner operator
  • Chance for personal fulfillment through travel


Trucking driving class schedule

Day Class/6 Weeks

Monday - Friday 7:00 am- 5:30 pm

Start End
1/6/2025 2/14/2025
1/21/2025 3/3/2025
2/3/2025 3/21/2025
2/18/2025 4/4/2025
3/3/2025 4/17/2025
3/17/2025 4/25/2025
3/31/2025 5/9/2025
4/14/2025 5/23/2025
4/28/2025 6/6/2025
5/12/2025 6/23/2025
5/27/2025 7/8/2025
6/9/2025 7/18/2025
6/23/2025 8/1/2025
7/7/2025 8/15/2025
7/21/2025 8/29/2025
8/4/2025 9/12/2025
8/18/2025 9/26/2025
9/2/2025 10/10/2025
9/15/2025 10/24/2025
9/29/2025 11/7/2025
10/13/2025 11/21/2025
10/27/2025 12/12/2025
11/10/2025 1/10/2026
12/1/2025 1/23/2026


Thursday 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday  7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Start End
1/13/2025 4/10/2025
2/10/2025 5/8/2025
3/17/2025 6/5/2025
5/5/2025 7/25/2025
6/2/2025 8/22/2025
6/30/2025 9/19/2025
7/28/2025 10/17/2025
9/2/2025 11/21/2025
10/6/2025 1/26/2026



Monday - Friday  5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Start End
1/9/2025 4/6/2025
2/6/2025 5/11/2025
3/20/2025 6/15/2025
5/1/2025 7/20/2025
6/5/2025 8/24/2025
7/10/2025 9/28/2025
9/4/2025 11/23/2025
10/2/2025 1/11/2026
10/30/2025 2/8/2026


Tuition $4350


Registration Information and Requirements

Registration takes place at the Roland Smith Commercial Truck Driving facility.

It is recommended that interested students register early in order to guarantee a place in the class. A maximum of 9-15 students will be allowed in each class.

Registration must be completed, including paid tuition and Department of Transportation (DOT) physical and drug test at least one week prior to the beginning date of the class.

Payment of tuition may be made by cash, check, MasterCard or Visa.

Student failing the DOT drug test will not be permitted to attend class.


TPEG Info Sessions

Financial Aid (TPEG) Information Session            

Come learn about the Texas Public Education Grant for Commercial Truck Driving (CDL) training:

  1. Apply for federal student aid, add our school (010422) to your FAFSA application.
  2. Come to the CDL registration office for our next information session
  3. When you come to the office, you must be able to provide your SAR (student aid report) for placement on the list. This report is usually generated 3-5 business days after you have completed your application for federal student aid.
  4. Valid Texas driver license

* Please note: The TPEG grant is given on a limited basis, so you must not delay applying.


 Information Session Dates

  • July 26, 2024
  • September 6, 2024
  • February 7, 2025
  • April 4, 2025

Time: 10 am - 12 pm Roland Smith Bldg. Room 116



2022-2023 Third-Party Licensure/Certification Exam Results  

Occupational licensure and/or certification pass rates reported by academic calendar year (Sept. 1–Aug. 31).

Program/Aligned Award Agency Standard HCC Standard 2022-2023 Pass Rate (#Passed) 2022-2023 Results
Truck Driving 80% 75% 100% (388) Exceeds Expectations



For more information or View current schedule

Martin Garsee


Northeast Campus

555 Community College Drive, Houston, TX 77013


Stafford Campus - Scarcella Science & Technology Center

10141 Cash Road, Stafford, TX 77477