Construction Framers, OSA

Carpenters are involved in many different types of construction. They construct, repair, and install building frameworks and structures made from wood and other materials, work indoors and outdoors from installing kitchen cabinets to building highways and bridges.

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Continuing Education current awards, certificates, and class schedule.

Continuing Education current awards, certificates, Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Current Continuing Education Schedule Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

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Introduction to Carpentry

CRPT 1029    96 Hours       Fee $899      Prerequisites: None

Introduction to Carpentry will cover introduction to the carpentry trade including safety, tools, equipment, terminology, and methods. Use established safe work practices; describe fasteners and adhesives; define terms associated with building materials utilized by carpenters; describe handling and storage procedures; demonstrate the use and care of tools and equipment; and perform mathematical computations used by the carpenter.


Basic Framing

CRPT 1001    48 Hours         Fee $629         Prerequisite: CRPT 1029 Introduction to Carpentry

Basic Framing course will cover skills required to erect wood frame structures with emphasis on layout and construction of floors, walls, and roofs. Includes safety procedures for using hand and power tools and structural materials.


George Davis

Construction & Trades

ACTC Building-B 13803 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77083