Certified Nurse Aide

In order to meet the rising demand for trained personnel in the health care industry, HCC offers Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) courses for fast-track training that produces successful graduates sought after for entry-level positions in the field.

The CNA program will provide the skills, knowledge and abilities essential to providing basic care to residents of long-term care facilities. You will learn about resident’s rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting and assisting residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety.

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Continuing Education current awards, certificates, and class schedule.

Continuing Education current awards, certificates, Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Current Continuing Education Schedule Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Additional Information



You will learn about resident rights, communication, safety, observation and reporting. You will learn to assist residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety. You will also learn about the theory, concepts, and skills involving specialized materials, equipment, procedures, regulations, laws and interactions within social systems associated with the nurse aide occupation. You will be prepared for entry-level employment in long-term care facilities, doctor’s offices and hospitals. Income will depend on the area of employment chosen.


What are the prerequisites?


Students taking health programs that have direct contact with patients may be required to meet or obtain the following:

  • Proof of US Government issued Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) as a requirement prior to registering for the CNA program.
  • Current immunizations: Hepatitis B series, Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (TDAP), Measles, Mumps, Rubella, negative TB Skin Test or chest X-ray, Chicken Pox (Varicella), and Flu Shot.
  • Criminal Background Check two (2) weeks prior to class start date.
  • Navy Blue Hospital Scrubs and student identification badge


Each program has specific requirements which are discussed and distributed at the program information sessions.




There are 18,457 Nursing Assistants employed in the Greater Houston Area. This number is expected to increase by 16.7% over the next four years.

  • The estimated annual job openings is 1,277 jobs a year.
  • Median Wages - $14.00 hourly, $29,000 annually



2022-2023 Third-Party Licensure/Certification Exam Results  

Occupational licensure and/or certification pass rates reported by academic calendar year (Sept. 1–Aug. 31).

Program/Aligned Award Agency Standard HCC Standard 2022-2023 Pass Rate (#Passed) 2022-2023 Results
Certified Nurse Aid 70% N/A 90% (98) Exceeds Expectations


Texas Education Association (TEA) Industry Based Certification Resource

Name TEA Resource Link  Third-Party Certification Agency Third-Party Certification Agency Website

Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)


Texas Health & Human Services




View the current schedule or FAQ's

Get in touch

Certified Nurse Aide

6815 E. Rustic St., Suite 205, Houston, TX 77087

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