Financial Aid Cost of Attendance

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Financial Aid Cost of Attendance

Enrolling in college begins with a financial decision and Houston Community College gives deep consideration to all of the costs students face. There are direct educational costs — tuition, fees and book expenses. Also, there are indirect expenses — living, transportation and personal. These direct and indirect costs make up what the Financial Aid Office refers to as the Cost of Attendance

To help students cover living expenses beyond tuition and fees, the Cost of Attendance is part of what the Financial Aid Office uses to determine your aid eligibility and award package. It's considered an allowance and budget that your Financial Aid award cannot exceed.

To obtain estimated tuition and fees costs, please go to our tuition calculator. To apply for Financial Aid, start by filing a FAFSA application. Learn more about the FAFSA application process by visiting the HCC FAFSA Guide webpage.

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The Financial Aid Cost of Attendance Budget per semester (Fall or Spring) for 2024-2025

Budget Item

Living with Parents –In-District

Living with Parents – Out-of-District

Living with Parents – Out-of-State

Living Independent of Parents – In-District

Living Independent of Parents – Out-of-District

Living Independent of Parents – Out-of-State

Tuition & Fees*







Books & Supplies







Food & Housing














Personal Expenses







Est. Loan Fees







Professional Licensure Fee**














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*Estimated figure based on approximately 9 credits per semester.

See details below for less-than-halftime status reduced budget.


**Professional Licensure Fee only applies to students who are in the program that requires a professional credential or license therefore is not calculated in the total cost of attendance**


Below is the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance breakdown based on your enrollment status.

Fall 23, Spring 24, and Summer 24

Allowances for Direct and Indirect Educational Costs (By Semester)

Below is the Cost of Attendance allowance breakdown based on your enrollment status — the number of registered or enrolled credits.

  • Full-Time Status – Enrolled in 12 or more credits.
  • Half-time Status – Enrolled in 6 – 8 credits.
  • Less than Half-Time Status – 1 – 5 credits.



Tuition Based on Residency Status — In-district, Out-of-District and Out-of-State

  • In-District Half-time to Full-time | $765
  • In-District Less than Half-time | $255

  • Out-of-District Half-time to Full-time | $1,629
  • Out-of-District Less than Half-time | $543

  • Out-of-State Half-time to Full-time | $2,043
  • Out-of-State Less than Half-time | $681

 Books and Supplies | Calculated at an average of $125 per credit. 

  • Half-time to Full-time | $1,125
  • Less than Half-time | $375 

Personal Expenses 

  • Half-time to Full-time | $1,200
  • Less than Half-time | $0

Food & Housing costs will vary depending upon the anticipated enrollment status and the planned living arrangements — with parents or off-campus. The Financial Aid Office will use the housing status the student indicated on the FAFSA — living with parents or off-campus. In instances when the student failed to answer that question on the FAFSA, the Financial Aid Office will assume a “with parent” housing status and will process the application accordingly.

Food & Housing
With Parent (Board Only)

  • Half-time to Full-time | $1,166
  • Less than Half-time | $0

Food & Housing
Independent of Parent

  • Half-time to Full-time | $4,665
  • Less than Half-time | $0


  • Half-time to Full-time | $920
  • Less than Half-time | $460

 Loan Fee (average)

  • Half-time to Full-time | $70
  • Less than Half-time | $0


The indirect expenses (Room and Board, Transportation, and Personal Expenses) are calculated from the 2018 College Board Trends in College Pricing for Public 2-yr, in-District figures (rounded up to nearest 100). 



Cost of Attendance Budget (By Semester)

Based on allowances for direct and indirect costs, you will be assigned a budget according to your residency status — in-district, out-of-district and out-of-state. Your Financial Aid award cannot exceed your budget. 


  • Less than Half-time | $1,098
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $5,276
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $16,728


  • Less than Half-time | $1,386
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $6,140
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $17,592


  • Less than Half-time | $1,524
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $6,554
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $18,006


Cost of Attendance Budget (By Year)

Based on allowances for direct and indirect costs, you will be assigned a budget according to your residency status — in-district, out-of-district and out-of-state. Your Financial Aid award cannot exceed your budget. 


  • Less than Half-time | $2,196
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $10,552
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $33,456


  • Less than Half-time | $2,772
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $12,280
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $35,184


  • Less than Half-time | $3,048
  • Half-time to Full-time With Parents | $12,280
  • Half-time to Full-time Without Parents | $36,012


Requesting Adjustments to Cost of Attendance

Only in special circumstances will the Financial Aid Office increase the student’s cost of attendance to accommodate additional expenses. Some allowable adjustments are daycare expenses and book allowances due to higher than average costs for books and supplies. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will require appropriate documentation to justify an exception. Please visit a Financial Aid Office near you to request Professional Judgement for adjustment to the Cost of Attendance. 


