After Your Award
Once you have your financial aid award, you don’t have to figure out your next steps for financial aid and enrollment alone. Please use the detailed steps/guides on this page as a resource to learn the next steps and connect with in-person and virtual services.
Next Steps After Financial Aid Award
Below is an outline of your next steps. Click here to view detailed steps.

Complete undone to-do list items in your Student Center.

Review credit hour requirements for different types of aid and accept or decline your financial aid (see detailed steps below).

Enroll in online, in-person, or hybrid classes on your program plan. Please remember that financial aid doesn't cover courses that aren't on your program plan.

Review your bill after enrolling to determine if the total amount of your financial aid award covers the total cost of your bill. If your financial aid award covers the full cost of your bill, your courses are protected from being dropped.
Enrollment Video Tutorials
Step-by-Step Guides
Accept or Decline Aid
Make sure you accept or decline the types of aid you are offered. Some types of aid – like grants – don’t require you to accept, but it’s best to double-check.
- Visit
- Select ‘Student Sign-in’ tile to login
- Select 'Financial Aid' tile/tab
- Choose the aid year.
- Review the details of your award package. Some of the awards are automatically accepted for you.
- Accept, reduce or decline the loans offered to you.*
Review Requirements for Grants, Loans and Institutional Scholarships
- Pell Grants and Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (SEOG) are automatically accepted, and therefore do NOT require any action to accept.
- You don't have to enroll in a certain number of hours for the Pell grant. The amount of the award will be adjusted based on how many credit hours
- Enroll in classes that are on your program plan because financial aid does not cover courses outside of your program plan.
- State Grants are automatically accepted, and therefore do NOT require you to accept or decline.
- Enroll in Six Credit Hours | State Grant Programs (TEOG or TPEG) require enrollment of 6 or more credits. Award will be canceled if you enroll in less than 6 credits.
- Texas Grant programs require additional documents. Please check your to-do list.
- Enroll in classes that are on your program plan because financial aid does not cover courses outside of your program plan.
- Accept or Decline Awards | You can decide how much of the loan(s) you want to accept.
- Enroll in 6 Credit Hours | Loan funds require enrollment of 6 or more credits. Award will be canceled if you enroll in less than 6 credits.
- Master Promissory Note (MPN) | If you haven't already done so, submit an MPN online at
- Entrance Loan Counseling | If you haven't already done so, complete Entrance Loan Counseling online at
- Enroll in classes that are on your program plan because financial aid does not cover courses outside of your program plan.
- Enroll in Six Credit Hours | Work-Study funds require enrollment of 6 or more credits.
- About the Work-study Program
You are able to work part-time to cover expenses. Students earn the amount of their work-study award by working up to 19.5 hours a week. The work-study award is not a lump sum payment to the student. Work-study positions are available at all campus sites and off-campus, but are not guaranteed.
Requirements for scholarships awarded by HCC are listed on our Scholarships page.
Enroll in Courses on Your Program Plan
When choosing your courses, please be sure to enroll in classes that are on your program plan because financial aid does not cover courses outside of your program plan.
Choose Instructional Modes to Build the Best Schedule for You
- Online Anytime | Flexible, traditional online course without scheduled lectures, so you have the flexibility to complete coursework at the times that work best for you.
- Online on a Schedule | Flexible online course with virtual lectures at scheduled dates and times.
- Hybrid Lab | Lab class that meets 50% face-to-face on-campus and 50% virtually.
- Hybrid Course | Lecture class that meets 50% face-to-face and 50% virtually.
- In-person Class | Face-to-face courses that meet on-campus at scheduled meeting times.
Steps to Enroll
- Click here to login to Student Center.
- Make sure no Onboarding and Pre-enrollment items are on your Checklist.
- Your Onboarding and Pre-enrollment Checklist may have four types of to-do list items: Meningitis, Testing, Transcripts or New Student Orientation.
- Select "Manage Classes"
- Select "Enroll by Planner"
Enrollment Help
Video Tutorials
Enrollment Support
For help, please click here to view the enrollment and academic advising support options.
What to Do If It Shows You Owe for Classes
The system will show that you owe money for classes because your financial aid has not disbursed. Disbursement means that all eligible financial aid funds will be posted to your account as a payment for classes. Financial aid funds will not disburse until you attend classes for a period of time. Remember, now that you have your financial aid award, it will hold your classes so they will not be dropped.
- Remember the system will show that you owe money for classes because your financial aid has not disbursed. If you do NOT have enough financial aid to cover costs of classes, you will have to make arrangements to pay for the balance not covered by financial aid award. For more information about payment plans, please click here.
Disbursement and Refund Schedule
Financial aid funds are not released to students until they are earned. You earn financial aid funds by successfully attending classes for a period of time.
Disbursement means that all eligible financial aid funds will be posted to your account as a payment for classes. Once a disbursement of your financial aid is posted as payment for your classes, any aid leftover will be refunded to you within 48 – 72 hours (2-3 business days).
Students will begin to receive disbursement and refunds when they attend classes (all classes, including late start) for at least 5 to 6 weeks.
Click here for more information.
Payment Plan for Balances Not Covered by Financial Aid Award
If you do NOT have enough financial aid to cover costs of classes, you will have to make arrangements with the Business Office to pay for the remaining balance. For more information about payment plans, please click here.
- Remember the system will show that you owe money for classes because your financial aid has not disbursed. If your financial aid award DOES cover the cost of your courses, you DO NOT need to pay before your aid disburses.
We Are Here to Help
On-campus and virtual support options are available. Please click here to visit the Virtual Lobby webpage which is a one-stop resource to learn about the most up-to-date links and service hours for enrollment, advising, financial aid, and payment arrangement help.