Newsletter from Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones, District II

Feb 8, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

There has never been a better time to attend Houston Community College to pursue a college certificate or degree! Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, HCC has shifted many on-campus courses to online classes with more ways to learn now than ever before! Enrolling is easy by visiting: hccs.edu/now

Students can choose from:

  • Flex Campus: Students enroll in classes and have the choice to attend either online or in person at the scheduled dates and times
  • Lab-Based Courses: HCC’s skills-based, hands-on lab courses host fewer students per section to enable social distancing
  • Online Anytime: Students take classes online at any time. These are traditional online classes, and students never come to campus
  • Online on a Schedule: Students take classes online at scheduled class time they select when enrolling, and never come to campus


The Northeast College offers in-demand career training in commercial truck driving, public safety, energy, transportation, business, welding, plumbing and AC repair.

The college offers academic courses and fast-track continuing education certificates to allow students to enter the workforce within just six months. On-site classes follow all CDC guidelines to help students remain safe.

Our experienced financial aid staff at hccs.edu/financial-aid can also advise you on how to refile Federal Student Aid applications for Pell Grants and assist with scholarships through the HCC Foundation. Here are other helpful links:


We are ready to assist you. Call 713.718.2000 or email us at student.info@hccs.edu to get started on achieving your educational goals at HCC!


In service,

Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones Signature

Rhonda Skillern-Jones

HCC Board of Trustees

District II


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