Having started as a student, Linda Davis gives back as an HCC employee

Oct 26, 2018


After being laid off during the economic recession, Linda Davis knew it was time to switch gears. The Smiley High School grad received a flier in the mail about the Houston Community College North Forest Campus and decided to find out what opportunities were available.

Davis got help from an HCC employee who explained the enrollment process and helped to make the transition into college life as smooth as possible. Although Davis did not have access to a computer or the internet at home, she was invited to come to the campus and take advantage of the College’s computer and internet amenities in order to complete her application for college. Davis accepted the employee’s offer and enrolled as a student.

Davis took her first classes at the North Forest Campus and was able to land a job as a work-study student. Coincidentally, she ended up being featured as a student success on the very flier that she once received in the mail. “I was surprised at how many people recognized me from the flier and proud to represent an older adult going back to school,” says Davis.

Her experience working with students landed her a full time position as a financial aid representative at the Northeast Campus. Helping and encouraging students who faced similar challenges only confirmed Davis’ desire to give back to the community in the same way that someone had given to her. She credits the helpfulness of HCC staff and faculty while a student as a critical component to her success. “Without the people, I would not be here today,” she adds.

Davis continued on at HCC and eventually completed her Associate of Arts in Business in 2014. Davis’ journey has come full circle and she now works as a full time administrative assistant at the North Forest Campus.

HCC helped Linda Davis to reach her educational goals and she is committed to helping others do the same.  “I became an ambassador to the North Forest community,” adds Davis. “I love helping students who come to the campus and sharing my success with neighbors.”  She is currently a student at the University of Houston studying business and hopes to graduate soon.

HCC North Forest campus has expanded to provide more opportunities for the community to reach their educational goals as Davis did. Students began utilizing the new academic building this fall and will be able to take advantage of additional facilities and new programs next year. 

The campus will soon offer workforce training in automotive technology, HVAC, welding, machining and plumbing.  Certifications and training in the new programs offered at the campus can lead to high-wage careers in industries in and surrounding the North Forest community.  For more information about programs offered at the North Forest Campus, stop in, call 713-718-5868 or visit hccs.edu/northforestcampus.

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