HCC to showcase Centers of Excellence in special ceremony on Dec. 15

Dec 14, 2016

What do you get when you combine innovation, higher education and a passion for service? You get a group of remarkable individuals motivated by the desire to improve the lives of thousands of students.

During the December 15 meeting of the Houston Community College (HCC) Board of Trustees, officials and support staff who helped changed the history of the institution with the creation of HCC 14 Centers of Excellence, will be recognized during a “Walk of Success” Ceremony.

Under the leadership of HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado and with the support of the HCC Board of Trustees, these Centers of Excellence were unveiled during 2016 to provide students a re-designed path to facilitate the completion of their associate degrees and/or certificates.

HCC Officials and administrators will walk a red carpet to symbolize the conclusion of a milestone that will not only distinguish HCC as one of the best community colleges in the nation, but will also meet industry demand for educated and skilled workers for years to come.


What:   Walk of Success Ceremony

When:   4 p.m., Thursday, December 15

Where:  HCC Administration Building

              3100 Main St.

              Houston, Texas 77002


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