HCC Missouri City Campus classes temporarily relocated

May 24, 2016

Missouri City Campus 

Classes at the Houston Community College (HCC) Missouri City Campus in Sienna Plantation have been moved to the Stafford and West Loop Campuses while a brand new building is being constructed on Texas Parkway, across from Missouri City Hall.

The new HCC Missouri City Center for Entrepreneurship, Technology and Health will offer core academic programs, business administration, small business and entrepreneurial classes, and a variety of programs to get students trained in healthcare industry, such as medical assistant and emergency medical technician. There are plans to offer pre-requisite courses for the over 20 Professional Health Careers currently offered at Coleman College for Health Sciences.

The facility will include classrooms, lab space, exhibition space, a student lounge, administration and faculty offices, conference rooms, a server room, multipurpose rooms, on-site parking, security and maintenance areas.

The new HCC Missouri City Center for Entrepreneurship, Technology and Health is projected to open Fall 2017.

To see the progress on the building, please visit: http://www.hccs.edu/district/departments/procurement/bond2013/bond-projects/missouri-city-campus/.

To search for classes moved from the Missouri City Campus, go to: https://psmobile.hccs.edu/index.php/app/catalog/classSearch.

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