New Instructional Leadership guidelines reflect HCC transformation

Oct 14, 2015

A key component of the transformation process at Houston Community College is revising the Instructional Leadership model.

“The role of an instructional leader is central and crucial to carrying out the system’s mission and affirming its values,” said Dr. Kimberly Beatty, vice chancellor for Instructional Services and chief academic officer. “Instructional leaders are integral to linking the college’s major constituent groups: students, faculty, administration, and the community.”

With the ultimate goal of student success, the Faculty Senate at HCC formed a task force lead by Professor Susan Goll, former faculty senate president, to make recommendations to revise the current policy and procedures.

“This is a broad shared governance document that lays out how instructional leaders will function in the institution,” said Goll. “The conditions can change over a period of a year or two and this document should be responsive to what is happening in our organization with our students and faculty.”

Some of the recommendations for revisions include:

• Responsibilities of department, division chair and program directors when it comes to teaching, faculty supervision, as well as student recruitment, retention and completion.

• Job requirements for department and division chairs with respect to experience, education, skills, and personal qualifications.

• Guidelines for class sizes, which include minimum and cap sizes for various course categories.

“The task force worked diligently and efficiently when faced with a tight time frame,” said Melissa Miller-Waters, Ph.D., English program coordinator. “The task force looks forward to reconvening so that we may review and adapt the guidelines as needed to best serve our students and our faculty."

The new policy goes into effect immediately and will be in effect until August 2016. To read the new Instructional Leadership Guidelines, visit hccs.edu/instructionalguidelines.

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