A message from Board of Trustees Secretary Adriana Tamez
Feb 27, 2015
Dear Neighbors,
As a member of the Houston Community College Board of Trustees it is my privilege to serve you. My goal as your HCC Trustee is to provide easy access to higher education and VOCATIONAL/WORKFORCE training for all district residents. This will lead to more jobs and better jobs for district residents leading to better living conditions and achievement of the American Dream.
The Board of Trustees unanimously elected me as Board Secretary and appointed me as Chair of the Chancellor Evaluation Committee for 2015. I am excited for these leadership roles on the Board and look forward to bringing more opportunities for District III and HCC during 2015.
During the past year as Chair of the Permanent Chancellor Search Committee, we selected Dr. Cesar Maldonado, Ph.D., P.E. the best-qualified candidate to lead HCC. Dr. Maldonado took the reigns as Chancellor and has hit the ground running. During 2014, I also Chaired the Academics Affairs/Student Services Committee,which focused on creating pertinent learning opportunities. This will lead students to a highly-qualified workforce and more job opportunities.
HCC continues to make progress in its $425 million Groundbreaker Bond Program. The project for the Eastside Campus at HCC Southeast College includes construction of a new STEM facility, workforce and student life buildings. Over the last year the HCC Central College Campus saw the completion and grand opening of the renovated 100-year-old San Jacinto building. Construction continues at this campus focusing on the renovation of an existing building to house the Culinary Arts Department.
With student success a priority, we continue to strengthen our partnerships with schools, community and faith-based organizations, as well as local businesses and industries to ensure our students receive the education and training they need to be successful to thrive in a highly-competitive global workforce. Southeast College has been actively pursuing ways to strengthen its community partnerships and recently entered an MOU with METRO to create a unique partnership between the Metro Office of Small Business and the Southeast Small Business Center. We are working with area ISDs to develop educational opportunities. That includes a partnership with the Houston Rockets, NASA and Space Center Houston called “Rockets Science,” a STEM-based initiative for 6th-8th grade students which features a series of webinars that explain how to build a rocket. The program culminated with an actual Rocket Launch.
Our region’s future depends on educational and job training opportunities that meet the needs of our growing and diverse community. We thank our partners and community supporters who participate in our efforts to ensure that success. 2015 is a year of opportunity and excitement. Start at HCC and you can go anywhere.
In Service,
Adriana Tamez
HCC Board of Trustees, District III