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Council Purpose
The purpose of the Chancellor's Business Champions Council is to inform HCC’s role as an innovative education leader while strengthening the linkages between the business community and HCC students to advance workforce, academic, and student success.
Council Role
The Chancellor's Business Champions Council will provide leadership and insights in fulfilling the following roles:

Identify potential business partnerships that drive the success of HCC students.

Advise on target strategies to drive student success at HCC and in the workforce.

Inform and advise on key industries to advance alignment between education and business needs in those industry sectors.

Advise on strategies to enhance the stature of HCC as a leading education institution and a partner with industry.
This Council will help us build a stronger workforce that meets the needs of employers and expand the regional economy. The outstanding leaders represent key industries and industry groups in the region and serve in an advisory capacity at HCC.
Contact Us
Chancellor's Business Champions Council
Dr. Michael Webster
713.718. 8030
Keiana Blake